Rabu, 15 Desember 2021

The radical plan to switch off anti-pollution tech on trucks amid looming AdBlue shortage


Federal Government is considering a drastic “last resort” measure, if Australia’s AdBlue supply does not improve.

The Federal Government is considering allowing emissions-reducing technology in some diesel trucks to be switched off – if supply of AdBlue in Australia isn’t secured within weeks.

However, insiders involved in the discussions have told Drive switching off emissions-reducing technology is a “last resort,” and only one of several options under consideration.

The proposal has been strongly criticised by health and environment experts – and some groups within the trucking industry.

Legally-mandated software currently prevents diesel-powered trucks and passenger cars from starting or operating at full power without the urea-based chemical solution detected in an onboard tank. 

Drive has been told the federal government is considering the possibility of temporarily disabling the software in certain trucks – deemed “critical” to the economy – if supply of AdBlue doesn’t improve by February 2022.

Although the current shortage is not yet critical, the trucking industry estimates supplies of AdBlue could run dry in two months.

Approximately 400,000 trucks on the nation’s roads use an estimated 150 million litres of AdBlue each year.

Detractors of the radical proposal say switching off emissions-reducing technology could damage engines, void vehicle warranties, and adversely impact human health and the environment.

The AdBlue additive is estimated to reduce noxious nitrogen oxide emissions by approximately 90 per cent, hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions by between 50 and 90 per cent, and particulate emissions by between 30 and 50 per cent. 

“Discussions with the government about changing the laws are ongoing, however if supply doesn’t improve we will need to look at switching off the existing software and making other changes to emission control systems to maintain important trucking routes,” a transport industry insider told Drive.

A statement issued to Drive on behalf of Angus Taylor – the Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction – who has been tasked with confronting the current crisis, said: “[We are] investigating a range of potential solutions including alternative international supply options for refined urea, bolstering local manufacturing capabilities, and technical options at the vehicle level.”

The Truck Industry Council – which represents a number of truck manufacturers, importers, and component suppliers – released a statement following last week’s government roundtable which condemned the option.

A statement by the Truck Industry Council said in part: “These vehicle emission regulations are in place to protect the health of all Australians.

“Untreated exhaust emissions can cause breathing problems, including asthma, headaches, eye irritation, loss of appetite, corroded teeth, chronically reduced lung function and cancer.

“Tampering with such a system should be condemned by all within the industry … It’s a shame we have to be at this point for Government to realise the importance of DEF and AdBlue on Australia’s supply chain and the need for its regulation.”

Until last month China supplied approximately 80 per cent of urea (AdBlue’s active ingredient) sold in Australia.

However this has been largely redirected to the agriculture sector for production of synthetic fertilisers.

As previously reported by Drive, there is currently some capacity for local manufacturing to increase through Brisbane-based company Incitec Pivot (shown above) and several smaller domestic chemical producers. 

However – despite government intervention – experts suggest these attempts are unlikely to entirely make up for national demand, which exceeds three million litres per week. 

Major logistics companies in Australia have told Drive the situation is “not yet dire”, but “very serious” and, in a worst-case scenario, could force thousands of trucks into storage until supply improves or legislation is changed. 

Passenger cars are less likely to be affected by the supply chain failures in the short term, as they use significantly less AdBlue per kilometre travelled and some manufacturers – including BMW – have already secure stock for customers. 

You can read Drive’s comprehensive list of passenger vehicles that require AdBlue by clicking here.

The post The radical plan to switch off anti-pollution tech on trucks amid looming AdBlue shortage appeared first on Drive.

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