Minggu, 28 November 2021

Why NSW speed camera sneakiness can’t continue, and isn’t saving lives – COMMENT

A NSW parliamentary inquiry into the rollout of unmarked mobile speed cameras – and the reduced threshold for speeding tickets – starts today. Despite millions of dollars in fines, they have not saved one life. In fact, they have likely ruined many livelihoods. 


The number of people caught by unmarked mobile speed cameras in NSW has increased by more than 10 times since portable warning signs and reflective markings on vehicles were removed more than a year ago.

The revenue from fines each month is now in the tens of millions of dollars – in addition to the untold financial stress and job losses among the motorists who have lost their licence after being pinged a few too many times a few kilometres an hour over the limit.

By far the overwhelming majority of drivers caught by these sneaky camera cars are travelling less than 10km/h over the posted limit.

I don’t condone armageddon on our roads, and am not calling for the complete removal of speed camera cars. 

But speed cameras need to be seen – and portable signs and reflective markings need to be reinstated – so people change their behaviour.

And the thresholds at which tickets are issued by speed camera cars needs to come back up a few kilometres per hour – where they used to be – compared to where they are today.

If you talk to real road safety experts – and police who enforce the law – there is such a thing as unintentional speeding. The government knows this, but they are keeping it from us.

Indeed, the latest road safety TV advertisements in NSW are trying to justify the new draconian measures. 

We are being conned, and it’s an utter disgrace. As a colleague recently put it, this is road safety policy set by treasury.

Speed camera cars are busting thousands of drivers who police themselves wouldn’t deem dangerous enough to stop to issue a ticket.

If that were to happen, as police were issuing a ticket to a driver doing 6km/h over the posted limit, hundreds of other cars would pass them at the same speed or higher.

Are you not convinced the current approach – with unmarked speed camera cars and lower speeding thresholds – is bad policy ? Then please consider this.

If “speed kills” (that’s the message rolled out by politicians and road safety bureaucrats who are experts in government ladder-climbing rather than experts in road safety), and the number of drivers caught speeding have increased 10-fold since the rollout of unmarked speed camera cars, then why is the road toll not up 10-fold?

It’s an absolute scam, and the people of NSW are being taken for a ride. 

Talk to highway patrol officers – who are often first at the scene of fatal and serious injury crashes – and they will tell you it’s not mum and dad drivers doing a few kays over the limit who are causing carnage on our roads.

It is drivers affected by drugs and alcohol – or both – or who have had their licence cancelled or suspended for previous serious driving offences, often in unregistered cars.

Some police estimate this group of drivers account for more than half the fatalities on our roads (another closely held secret inside government), and yet the message from politicians is that driving a few kays over the limit is the primary cause of road deaths.

Play closer attention next time there is a serious crash on the TV news, and you will start to see the pattern of impaired or banned drivers for yourself, even if the government doesn’t want us to know.

While unmarked mobile speed cameras rake in millions of dollars a month from otherwise law-abiding citizens, the real menaces on our roads continue to run the gauntlet and drive up our road toll.

Tragically, banned or impaired drivers either end up killing themselves in a car crash or, as has been seen too many times, wipe out a car-load of innocent motorists.

So why are we in this mess? Because greedy governments are only interested in the revenue from speed cameras rather than addressing the real problem.

Politicians can give a quick quote for the TV cameras for the nightly news, and they can play the card “don’t speed, if you don’t want a ticket.” 

But this is a glib response. Sadly, too many members of the community have been sold this line.

It’s time to get fair dinkum about road safety. It’s time to expand the good work the highway patrol is doing by targeting repeat driving offenders, and get the worst of the worst off our roads. 

But guess what? This takes time and resources. Just one day’s work might lead to one arrest of a serious driving offender and require the resources of up to four highway patrol officers, or more. 

In the same amount of time it takes to lock up one genuine road menace, a speed camera car could have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and pinged thousands of drivers doing a few kays over – while a non-police officer sits in air-conditioned comfort of the vehicle, monitoring the cameras and watching speeding drivers go by, all in the name of road safety.

We need the courts to get tough on repeat driving offenders, and lock them up. Letting them back out in society just makes the problem worse, and the road toll rise.

We rightly have strict laws around domestic violence, because we know that’s where many murders stem from.

So why do we allow road menaces the opportunity to continue to flout the law by not locking them up?

I reckon we should start to build traffic-offender prisons. But police I have spoken to say repeat driving offenders – who have no intention of obeying the law – should be in real prison.

Unmarked speed cameras erode trust in government (it’s already fragile), and do more harm than good in the long run.

At some point, the majority of motorists and law-abiding citizens will themselves say enough is enough, and the politicians who gave the green light to the harshest speed enforcement in the world will eventually be voted out.

And still our road toll won’t be any better.

It is politicians – not drivers doing a “few kays over” – who have blood on their hands.

The post Why NSW speed camera sneakiness can’t continue, and isn’t saving lives – COMMENT appeared first on Drive.

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