Jumat, 12 November 2021

Choices, not mandates, says the PM. We’re calling ‘crap’ on that.

Australia’s electric vehicle non-policy is cloaked in rhetoric, not action. We wish the PM would lead, follow or get out of the way.

It has been quite the week for Scott Morrison and his entourage.

Fresh off the plane from the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow where he left world leaders unimpressed with Australia’s lacklustre commitment to a zero emissions future, the Prime Minister fronted up at Toyota’s Altona Plant in Melbourne on Tuesday to announce an electric vehicle policy that lacked imagination or substance.

It is hardly a policy at all, really, just an inadequate subtext to the much-awaited Future Fuels and Vehicles Strategy that had hinted at action but merely showed the Government’s inability to read the room.

The Prime Minister smiled his way through the announcement – $178 million of new funding for electric and hydrogen vehicle infrastructure was about the sum of it.

No incentives, no vehicle emissions standards, no electric vehicle targets.  Pretty extensive for a document three years in the making.

That the Government even acknowledged electric vehicles as an enabling technology for their Net Zero by 2050 plans, was an amazing backflip on their 2019 election mocking of Labor’s electrical vehicle ambitions, which they decried as the death of the Australian weekend.

When pressed this week on that 2019 circus, Mr Morrison said he never had a problem with electric vehicles and the Coalition was moving forward with “technology, not taxes” and “choices, not mandates”. The Prime Minister claims it is “the massive change in technology” since 2019 that has seen the Government readjust its sights.

And yeah. We are calling bullsh*t on that.

If the war against climate change could be won on rhetoric alone, Australia would surely be at the front of the pack.  

We know that electric vehicle policies are complex. Good ones comprise of a number of moving parts – including financial incentives, vehicle emissions standards, good infrastructure and brave targets – which work in a complementary fashion.

We know this not just because electric vehicle and climate change industry bodies, carmakers, economists and research institutions tell us so over and over again with real modelling and science to support their claims, but also because we have practical examples of success in the European Union, the United States, Korea and even Mexico.

Yet, what we have from our Government is a faffy non-policy, a flawed narrative around choice and technology and an argument against incentives and vehicle emissions standards which has been disproved the world over.

So, we call bullsh*t.

Mr Morrison and Energy Minister Angus Taylor would have us believe that you can follow years of inaction with well, more inaction. Just sit back, hang ten, cough up a paltry investment in charging infrastructure and wait for car makers – a number of whom who have announced plans to go fully electric in the next decade – to do the heavy lifting.

“I’m not going to put up the price of petrol for families and make them buy electric vehicles, and walk away from the things they have,” the Prime Minister said when questioned on why he hadn’t taken a stronger line.

“Just as Australians have taken their own decision to embrace rooftop solar at the highest rate in the world, when new vehicle technologies are cost-competitive, Australians will embrace them too.”

Mr Taylor was just as dismissive. “Stringent standards, bans or regressive taxes will limit choice and increase the upfront costs of cars for Australians,” he said.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

We are calling bullsh*t on that too.

We’re calling bullsh*t on all of it in fact. And these are the reasons why…

The technology was there in 2019 – the Government just refused to leverage it

If the Prime Minister wants to talk technology, we are happy to oblige.

While it is true the last two years have seen improvements to the lithium-ion batteries used to power electric vehicles resulting in increased driving ranges and faster charging times, it has hardly been the sudden “massive change in technology” the Government is claiming is the catalyst for their rethink on electric vehicles.

In 2019, when the Coalition laughed in the face of anything electric, the technology that could help make a real impact on emissions was already in plain sight.

The average driving range of the top 10 zero emissions vehicles at the time was around 400km (based on their European WLTP). The Tesla Model S Long Range with almost 600km on a single charge was the pick of the bunch.

Australia had 1,638 standard public charging stations (less than 50kW) and 203 fast and ultra-fast charging stations (50kW and over), nowhere near the 70,000 boasted by Norway but probably adequate (together with home charging) to service Australia’s electric vehicle fleet at the time.

Had the Government prioritised electric vehicles in 2019, or even signalled an intention to, Australia wouldn’t be so far behind the developed world in terms of adoption. About 1 per cent of new vehicles sold in Australia are electric compared to the global average of 5 per cent.

Consumers would probably have more choice by now too and better access to those more affordable models under $50,000.

Just as importantly, we would be more than two years ahead in the development of supporting policies such as building codes which require future developments to be “EV ready” to support renters and apartment owners’ access to charging equipment. We would also have a more extensive charging network, one that included more DC chargers and convenient inner-city on-street charging infrastructure like they do in so many European cities.

That would certainly have helped electrical vehicle owners living in apartments who, Mr Morrison joked, would have to “run the extension cord down from your fourth-floor window” to charge their cars.

While most of the developed world is now well placed to use improving battery and charging technology to scale up electrical vehicle adoption to reach new vehicle purchase targets of at least 50 per cent by 2030, Australia is still frozen in the starting blocks.

Vehicle emission standards are actually the key to choice

Around the world, regulations that limit carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles have been shown to play a vital part in supporting electric vehicle uptake as well as ensuring cleaner petrol and diesel options.

The latter is important as internal combustion engines will be gradually phased out rather than stopped overnight.

While more than 80 per cent of the global car market including Europe, China, the United States, Korea, Japan, India and Mexico follow Euro 6 vehicle emissions standards and are moving towards Euro 7 standards by 2025, Australian light vehicles are only subject to Euro 5 standards.

Part of the reason for this is our low-quality fuel with a sulphur content so high that it can damage the vehicle pollution technology used to meet Euro 6 standards.

Put plainly, we allow the dirtiest fuel and cars with dirtiest engines on our roads. We do so at a huge cost to our health, the environment and our hip pocket. The Federal Government calls this the Australian Way.

“We will not be forcing Australians out of the car they want to drive or penalising those who can least afford it through bans or taxes. Instead, the Strategy will work to drive down the cost of low and zero emission vehicles, and enhance consumer choice,” the Prime Minister said.

Ironically, this way of thinking is actually creating less choice for consumers in both electrical and traditionally-fuelled cars.

In Europe, for example, carmakers who do not meet the mandatory C02 targets ($95 per gram of C02 per km) for the total number of cars they sell on the continent each year are fined up to $150 for each gram of C02 per kilometre beyond the nominated target.

Carmakers can offset the emissions from their heavier C02 emitting cars through the super credits they gain from selling electric vehicles and can also sell their surplus carbon credits to other companies that are over the limit. The University of Queensland estimates these credits to be in the order of $26,000 per electric vehicle.

It is little wonder then, car companies, facing a demand for zero emissions vehicles greater than their supply, prioritise incentivised markets leaving Australians with limited choices for lower emission purchases.

It is the reason that Volkswagen, predicted to sell around 400,000 electric vehicles this year, is yet to bring its electric ID range to Australia despite strong consumer interest.

“We’ll put those cars where we get the biggest commercial advantage, and the biggest commercial advantage of the moment, when you overlay the fines for not achieving the CO2 targets, is Europe,” said Volkswagen Australia chief Michael Bartsch when addressing the German marque’s current non-existent electric vehicle offering here.

This week Mr Bartsch reiterated the lack of regulation on vehicle emissions in Australia will continue to hinder the availability of electric vehicles.

“We still allow manufacturers to dump and sell in Australia dirty, old technology,” Mr Bartsch said.

“And while they can do that, you have a disincentive commercially to actually bringing in electric vehicles, because the profit that is being made for internal combustion engine vehicles is simply too high.

“There is no real reason to bring them to Australia because there is no imperative to bring them here.”

Last year, there were 31 zero-emissions vehicle models available for purchase in Australia. In the UK, which has an emissions ceiling, there are 130 zero-emission models available.

Not only do we have fewer choices of electric vehicles but looming bans by other countries means that soon we won’t have our pick of internal combustion cars either including the much-loved ute and SUV.

Countries such as Norway and South Korea have banned the sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2025, the UK from 2030 and China from 2035. Car manufacturers including Jaguar Land Rover (by 2025), Volvo (2030), Mazda (2030), Nissan (early 2030s) and Honda (2040) have all committed to 100 per cent electric sales.

In spruiking choice over mandates the Government is actually penalising the same people Mr Morrison says “can least afford it” because it will force them into aging, inefficient cars with dirty engines.

Australians want electric cars but need short-term incentives to afford them

One of the most surprising things about the Federal Government’s new electric vehicle approach is the lack of financial incentives to support consumer purchasing and accelerate uptake at least until the price gap narrows with internal combustion engines.

“Just as Australians have taken their own decision to embrace roof-top solar at the highest rate in the world, when new vehicle technologies are cost competitive Australians will embrace them too,” Mr Morrison said.

Perhaps he has forgotten that the expansion of rooftop solar to the estimated 3 million systems currently in place in Australia has been supported by more than a decade of Federal and State government subsidies and incentives.


A number of surveys and polls commissioned in Australia including the Electric Vehicle’s annual pulse monitor consistently shows more than 50 per cent of Australians are interested in buying an electric vehicle as soon as they can.

This consumer sentiment doesn’t translate proportionally into electric vehicles on our roads for a few reasons – the primary one being cost.

As discussed above carmakers are reluctant to bring electric cars to Australia in the current policy climate meaning that consumers here can’t access the wide range of more affordable vehicles available in overseas markets. The MG ZS EV and Hyundai Ioniq Electric Elite are rare sub-$50,000 options here.

Any realistic assessment of the electric vehicle industry shows initial support packages are vital for success.

Countries such as France, Germany, the US, the UK and Canada, where more affordable electric vehicles are available, offer financial incentives of close to $10,000 to close the gap with internal combustion cars. In Norway, for example, the introduction of incentives increased the electric vehicle market share of new car sales from 1 in 5 in 2015 to 3 in 4 in 2020.

“You can look right around the world. The United States, Canada, the European Union – all across the developed world – we’re one of the few countries that don’t have those incentives in place,” said EVC Chief Executive Behyad Jafari.

“Either all of those countries, the G8, everyone else is wrong, or Angus Taylor and Scott Morrison are right, or the government doesn’t want to do this.

“I fear a lot of the opportunities that come with electric vehicles will start to go to other countries in our region.”

Australian states, tired of waiting for Federal Government action, have introduced their own incentives to increase electric vehicle sales. New South Wales and Victoria, aiming for electric vehicles to make up 50 per cent of new car sales by the end of the decade, have introduced a $3,000 cash incentive while South Australia will match that amount on the first 6000 vehicles sold and the ACT is allowing buyers to access interest-free loans of up to $15,000.

A box-ticking policy won’t fool voters … well not as many as the PM thinks

The Government has missed a trick here with its weak electric vehicles non-policy that has not only failed to incorporate feedback from key automotive industry bodies such as the Electric Vehicles Council (EVC) and Australian Automobile Association, car manufacturers, leading economists and researchers but has also decided to ignore the lessons that can be learnt from leading adopters such as Norway, Sweden, the UK and Iceland.

The Australian Prime Minister took a woefully inadequate Net Zero by 2050 plan to the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and the one agreement he did sign when he was there – a global promise to make electric vehicles the new normal by 2030 – was pretty much undone in Altona on Tuesday.

Let’s face it, the Government’s “target” of 30 per cent new car sales to be electric vehicles by 2030 is hardly ground-breaking. It means there will be a total of 1.7 million electric cars on Australian roads.

In 2019, the Government’s own modelling predicted electric vehicles would make up 27 per cent of new car sales by 2030. Clearly a stretch target then.

Australians have given every indication they care about the impact of climate change – this includes farmers in their utes, people in regional areas who drive longer distances and even fossil fuel companies who are taking their own steps to transition to renewable energy solutions.

Given that light vehicle transport makes up 11 per cent of carbon emissions in Australia, electric vehicles – provided they are supported by holistic, forward-thinking policy settings – are a no-brainer solution to reducing that total. 

Australia was already lagging behind the rest of the developed world.

Mr Morrison and Mr Taylor have cemented our position at the back of the pack, and consumers will pay the price irrespective of what car they chose to drive.

The post Choices, not mandates, says the PM. We’re calling ‘crap’ on that. appeared first on Drive.

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