Minggu, 19 September 2021

New-car stock shortages: the next squeeze is coming

While the Australian car industry is grappling with one of the worst stock shortages in memory, there are new threats on the horizon.

Australians wanting to buy a new car in time for the summer holidays may have left their run too late, according to high-ranking automotive industry executives canvassed by Drive.

While the automotive industry continues to struggle with the worst stock shortages of new motor vehicles in memory – driven by semiconductor shortages and interruptions to car assembly lines due to the coronavirus – two new threats are emerging, which are likely to lengthen waiting times.

Rental car companies are ramping up their orders of new motor vehicles in Australia in anticipation of a surge in demand, as people come out of lockdown to holiday at home amid international travel restrictions.

Official data shows sales of rental cars more than tripled last month – and have increased by almost double year-to-date – and experts say the large rental fleets will push private buyers down the queue because of conditions in their fleet contracts.

High-ranking car industry executives who spoke to Drive on condition of anonymity said most rental car companies have contracts that guarantee delivery of a certain number of new cars – even though most major rental car firms have cancelled or postponed deliveries over the past 18 months.

“For most of the pandemic we’ve been able to dip into the pool of cancelled rental car orders to try and get some private (buyer) orders filled,” said one car industry veteran.

“But now the rental companies are ringing up saying ‘we want our cars,’ and that means private buyers will get pushed further down the queue.”

The executive explained the rental companies and big business fleets get priority treatment because they buy cars in bulk, often thousands at a time.

Government and business fleet orders are also starting to climb, according to the latest national sales data compiled by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI).

“Big business fleets are starting to come back, a lot of them are overdue to replace their vehicles,” said another executive speaking on condition of anonymity because they did not want to draw attention to their brand.

“They (business fleets) hit the pause button during the pandemic but now they want to refresh their fleets.”

Most Top 10 brands are quoting private customers new-car delivery times of three to nine months for popular models. Buyers can get lucky in some cases if there is a cancelled order ahead of them in the queue.

“The key thing is (to) get your order in,” said a major multi-franchise metropolitan dealer representing a number of Top 10 brands.

“Once your order is in, there is a better chance of moving someone up the queue if that opportunity arises, or swapping their car for the colour they want.”

There is one other factor that risks extending the wait for new-car buyers in Australia.

The months from November to March are known as “stink bug season” in the shipping world, and car-carrying freighters can be delayed or held off the coast of Australia while the entire load is treated for the bugs.

Detections of brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSBs) have increased since they were first detected on a shipment of cars that had docked in Australia in 2014.

Once the stink bugs are detected in a shipment of motor vehicles, the entire cargo needs to be treated offshore or turned around.

The Department of Agriculture says peak season for stink bugs is the lead-up to the northern hemisphere’s winter, when they hibernate. But they come out of hibernation as the ships – and the cars they are hiding in – head south through warmer tropical climates.

As Drive has previously reported, stink bugs routinely cause lengthy delays of cars due to arrive in Australia between November and March.

The Department of Agriculture says the first new car detected with stink bugs docked in Port Kembla in NSW in December 2014, following a detection on an undisclosed vehicle (possibly a specialist mining vehicle) in October 2013 in Brisbane.

“To manage the risk of (stink bugs), seasonal measures are applied to a range of goods, including vehicles and machinery that are likely to be associated with contamination,” said an earlier statement from the Department of Agriculture.

The department says stink bugs are “a significant threat to agriculture due to its wide host range and the damage it can do to vegetable crops, fruit and ornamental trees”.

The pest is known to feed on more than 300 hosts, including agricultural crops such as nuts, grains, berries, cotton, citrus, soybean, nursery stock and some ornamental and weed plant species.

Stink bugs are native to China, Japan and Taiwan but were introduced to North America in the mid-1990s and more recently to Europe, “where it is rapidly becoming a serious pest”, the department said.

The post New-car stock shortages: the next squeeze is coming appeared first on Drive.

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